It has been a fast start to the year. Winter flew by and we worked on some new lines to offer at the Gresham Farmers Market - we have new silver and stone post earrings and I am doing slices in Electroforming. As always, we wanted to get a lot more done but there never seems to be enough time. I did my starts in the greenhouse....I love to grow enough to give away and then plant the extras so I can give the produce away as well. Reminds me of my Grandpa and his 70 tomato plants. I don't go that far, but I put in enought to give away a few hundred pounds each season.

Bella has been good and helping around the house and studio. She likes to go for a ride to the rock shop and watch the Peacocks they have there but she has to stay inside. We had some snow this winter and that is her FAVE!

We made some great new pieces for the Gresham Farmers Market and we are also going to have stones for you to pick out for your own custom piece. We hope the summer is going to bring some great things.....new pieces, new friends and lots of veggies! :)